Facility ⑥

Konjikido Golden Hall

Konjikido, the masterpiece of Hiraizumi culture, is reconstructed based on the one of its first foundation, i.e. without sheltering hall. Fujiwara no Kiyohira ordered the construction of Konjikido for the innocent souls lost in the wars, in the hope of peace of this area, the security of the nation, and with a wish to build as rich Buddhism culture as the one of the capital in the backward location. The building measuring 5.4 meters on each side is made of wood painted with precious Japanese lacquer then covered with gold leaf. The chancel is considered as the masterpiece of Heian art.

There are incense sticks and Omikuji-fortune telling strip on sale. Let's try the Japanese way of praying with incense sticks at Konjikido!

Gold of Oshu

Oshu used to be one of the main goldmine areas in Japan. At Kogayo Kinzan gold mountain in Esashi, gold mining was one of the major industries until the Edo period. The gold culture of Hiraizumi has presumably developed in such backgrounds.

From June to July is the best time to view hydrangeas around Konjikido